Went flying today

Finally, weather cooperated and I was able to get out and fly again. The last time was December 23, 8 weeks ago, so it was good to get out, get some practice, and just enjoy the day.

I went out solo in the morning for a bit, so that I could knock out some of the cobwebs before I went out with a passenger. I did some steep banks, slow flight, and a stall, then returned to the airfield to practice landings. Three touch and go's, dialing in on each one, then a very nice landing to a full stop.

After lunch, Kristin and I headed back to the airport and went out for a longer jaunt to Rushford, along the Root River at 2000ft for a better view, to Lanesboro, then to Preston, Cresco, Protivin, Spillville, Ossian and back home. Crystal clear sky and mostly smooth air made for a very pleasant flight!

A view to the north 1t 2500ft Kristin and me from the pilot's side Kristin and me from the passenger's side