
Sat 20 July 2024

Back On The Move

Camper life starts next week

Fri 29 March 2024

Time to Fly

A final post before we scram

Sun 24 March 2024

Final Prep and Pivots

Weekend whiplash

Thu 29 February 2024

T-Minus 6 Weeks

Ticking down the tasks and the time

Tue 27 February 2024


I lost an old pal

TAGS: friends
Fri 26 January 2024

35 Years With Rowing

Kind of hard to believe after all this time

Tue 28 November 2023


We all fit!

TAGS: family
Sun 12 November 2023

Blogging From The AT

How I'll run this site from the AT without my PC

Sat 04 November 2023

Chokecherry Bounce Revisited

It's ready to drink!

TAGS: food cherries
Wed 01 November 2023

Knobstone Hiking Trail - October 2023

An Indiana Gem

Wed 18 October 2023

Reading List

Iowa City has been good for my reading

TAGS: books
Sat 16 September 2023

Clear Creek Trail

A two-hour tour

Mon 04 September 2023

Superior Hiking Trail - August/September 2023


Sat 26 August 2023


It's not quiet here!

TAGS: Iowa City
Wed 09 August 2023

Geode State Park

A nice relaxing weekend

Sat 05 August 2023

Chokecherry Bounce

I've been waiting a long time for this

TAGS: food cherries
Thu 29 June 2023

Iowa City Living

It's pretty good here!

TAGS: Iowa City
Fri 23 June 2023

Building a Time Dilation Animation

A bigger learning experience than I anticipated

Fri 23 June 2023

Relativity - Animation and Math

A little presentation on relativistic time dilation

Sat 10 June 2023

Foraging - Two Today

It's not what you think, hehe!

TAGS: Iowa City
Mon 22 May 2023

Ozark Trail - May 2023

We hit some snags on this one

Sat 20 May 2023


Disposing of old CD-ROMS, DVD's and floppies

Sun 16 April 2023

I Got A Bad Case

It's acute senioritis, and I'm not talking about age!

Sun 02 April 2023

66 Revisited

An update on my 66 game coding

Sun 05 March 2023

We've Moved Again!

Like a rolling stone

Wed 01 February 2023


Our 2023 January trip

Wed 21 December 2022


Computerizing one of our go-to card games

Sun 27 November 2022

High School Computing - the COSMAC ELF

Where it all started for me

Wed 09 November 2022

Last Camping of the Season

Back to Decorah to camp at Pulpit Rock Campground

Mon 07 November 2022

Records, Receipts & Downsizing

I have way too much paper!

TAGS: downsizing
Sun 16 October 2022

Palisades-Kepler State Park

A perfect fall hike

Fri 07 October 2022

Staying Put... For Now

Our decision to delay our AT hike

Sun 25 September 2022

North Country Trail - September 2022

Backpacking with Audrey and Paul

Mon 29 August 2022

The Flying Bug

I've found some unexpected flying venues

Wed 24 August 2022

Settling in

Finding places to go and things to do

Fri 05 August 2022

Kids visiting

Out for dinner with some of the kids

Thu 28 July 2022

Breathing room

Settled, but not for long

Thu 14 July 2022

Busy busy!

A bit of catch-up from the past couple weeks

Thu 14 July 2022


Appreciation for our (former) neighbors

Wed 06 July 2022

Sending Feedback

How to contact me

Wed 06 July 2022

Step 2.5

Our next "permanent" housing

TAGS: new-digs
Sun 26 June 2022

Step 2, Closed and moved, ready for step 3

But not yet settled!

Tue 21 June 2022

Step 1.5

Moved out and (almost) ready to close!

Thu 09 June 2022


Today was an amazing day!

Sun 05 June 2022

Downsizing & Transition

Change is feeling very good!

Wed 25 May 2022

New site theme

A bit about my theme upgrade

Wed 25 May 2022

No rest for the weary

We have a buyer!

TAGS: house-sale
Thu 05 May 2022

The house is officially on the market!

Three crazy weeks to get ready!

TAGS: house-sale
Wed 20 April 2022

My Neocities update script

My Python script to upload blog content to Neocities

Sun 10 April 2022

Ozark Trail - March 2022

This one kinda kicked our asses, but we loved it!

Sun 03 April 2022

Ramping up the moving-on process

Our plan is moving forward, but man, it's a lot of work!

Mon 14 March 2022

Programing and Finance

How developing a financial forecasting tool became more of a programming adventure than I anticipated

Sat 12 March 2022

Ice Age Trail - October 2021

Another shot at the IAT together

Sun 06 March 2022

Ice Age Trail - May 2021

Kristin and my first IAT trip together

Fri 04 March 2022

Ice Age Trail - August 2020

A summary of a backpacking trip I took in 2020

Tue 01 March 2022

Mr. Putin

You are a cretin, a relic, a piece of dogshit

Mon 28 February 2022

Trying a no-categories approach

I don't see a reason for categories AND tags!

TAGS: rambler
Sun 27 February 2022

Jumping to Neocities

I decided to switch from hosted Wordpress to Neocities

Sun 27 February 2022

Went flying today

Finally got out for some flying after being winter-grounded.

Sat 26 February 2022

Making progress on Pelican

I've been tinkering with Pelican, and Pelican themes, for several days now.

Wed 16 February 2022

Off to a slow start

I'm not making the progress I had intended here.

Wed 26 January 2022

Where to Start

My purpose with this site