
For many years I have been on a quest to find sardines in mustard to match the ones that Underwood once made (Wikipedia article). I have tried many different brands and flavors, sometimes more than once, and decided that I would do a more formal review of my findings for all flavors, not just mustard. I will capture my findings here, and update whenever I try something new.

Underwood Sardines

  • Bulldog Sardines purchased at Frank's Shop-Rite in Grass Lake, MI, on August 1, 2024, for about $2.50. Product of Thailand.
  • Taste test date: August 7, 2024
  • appearance: looks a bit slimy and gross, sauce is thin and runny, can is not packed full
  • size of fish: large
  • number of fish: 3 pieces
  • color: yellow
  • smell: mild mustardy scent, light vinegar
  • texture / mouth feel: fish is firm, generally pleasant texture, slight mealiness in one piece
  • flavor quality: good flavor, slight vinegar, mild mustard
  • cost: $2.50
  • overall quality: good (out of excellent, good, poor)
  • buy again?: yes
  • 0-5 rating: 4
  • other comments: could have stronger mustard flavor, a firmer sauce, more tightly packed can; overall appearance could be better
Bulldog Sardines Bulldog Sardines unlabeled unlabeled
  • Purchased for $1.75 at the Global Mart in Coralville, Iowa on June 13, 2024.
  • Product of Morocco.
  • Pretty good. Need to try again and give them a proper review.
unlabeled unlabeled
  • Purchased for $2.25 at the Global Mart in Coralville, Iowa on June 13, 2024.
  • Product of Morocco.
  • Pretty good. Need to try again and give them a proper review.
unlabeled unlabeled
  • Fishwife Sardines with Hot Pepper purchased at Marquette, MI co-op August 26, 2024, for about $9.99. Product of Spain.
  • taste test date: August 28, 2024
  • appearance: looks good; can is packed full
  • size of fish: large
  • number of fish: 5 pieces
  • color: fish
  • smell: light fishy
  • texture / mouth feel: fish is firm with a pleasant texture, no mealiness
  • flavor quality: excellent flavor
  • cost: $9.99
  • overall quality: excellent (out of excellent, good, poor)
  • buy again?: yes
  • 0-5 rating: 5
  • other comments: This is a very good product.

Pictures to come...